

Curating Crises Online

This website is an open, online database of archive materials from the UK, USA and Caribbean relating to volcanic hazards and crises that occurred in the Caribbean between 1890 and 2000. 

The aim of this database is to give wider access to materials and knowledge generated by and about communities (and their volcanoes) in the Caribbean during periods of volcanic unrest.

Through this database we aim to reveal knowledge creators, their stories and the communication and knowledge networks that were previously "hidden" due to colonial practices past and present. 

The database comprises many "Items" which have been grouped into "Collections" relating to several key events / activities that are the focus of the Curating Crises project and our various partners across the Caribbean.

In addition, you can find a selection of curated "Exhibits" focusing on the key themes of the project and feature some of the exciting outputs from communities on Montserrat and St Vincent who are already using the database. 

We hope the exhibits help you engage with the wider online archive and find some previously "hidden" stories of your own!